Astrophysics II  

Final stages of stellar evolution: Core-collapse supernovae. Neutrino astronomy. White dwarfs. Physics of degenerated matter. Chandrasekhar limit. Neutron stars, pulsars. Stellar black holes. Gamma-ray bursts. Cosmic rays, Cerenkov telescopes. Close binary stars: Evolution of binary stars. Accretion disks. Tidal phenomena. Type Ia supernovae. Stellar mergers. Gravitational waves and their detection. Solar System, extrasolar planets: Solar System, planets. Elements of celestial mechanics (orbits, Kepler laws). Small bodies in the Solar System. Formation of planets. Extrasolar planets, detecting techniques. Evolution of planetary systems. Galaxies: The Milky Way Galaxy (components, kinematics, the central supermas-sive black hole). Types of galaxies and their parameters. Formation and evolution of galaxies. Active galactic nuclei and quasars. The large-scale structure of the Universe. Gravitational lensing. Cosmology: Friedmann equations. Cosmological models, their parameters and testing. Expansion of the Universe and its acceleration. Early Universe. Inflation. Primordial nucleosynthesis. Microwave background radiation. Dark matter and dark energy. Theories of modified gravity.
Astrophysics II

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