Practical astrophysics at observatory5  

Heliophysical part: Getting acquainted with the heliophysical instrumentation located at the Astronomical Observatory in Bialkow – Large Coronagraph (LC), Horizontal Telescope (HT), Multi-channel Subtractive Double-Pass spectrograph (MSDP spectrograph). Presentation of the principle of operation of the MSDP imaging spectrograph. Spectroscopic heliophysical observations in the hydrogen H-alpha spectral line, by the use both solar telescopes (LC, HT) and the MSDP imaging spectrograph. Theoretical introduction to the physics of solar active phenomena observed at the Bialkow Observatory (solar flares, prominences, filaments, eruptions). MSDP data processing and analysis of active phenomena recorded during observations at the Bialkow Observatory. Spectral analysis of the hydrogen H-alpha line during various active phenomena observed on the Sun. Astrophysical part: Acquaint to the observation site and observational instruments. Construction of the telescope located at the Astronomical Observatory in Bialkow: optics, mount, CCD detector, filter wheel, autoguider, telescope control, and operation of the observational dome. An introduction to astrophysical observations: observation conditions, small and large ground-based telescopes, space telescopes, photometry, spectroscopy. General discussion of the observation technique used at the astrophysical observatory of the University of Wrocław: multicolor photometry, differential photometry, and photometric time series. Summary of the research subjects studied at the astrophysical observatory of the University of Wrocław: multicolor photometry of star clusters (open and globular clusters), color-magnitude diagrams, photometric variability of stars (pulsating stars, eclipsing stars, irregular variables). Discussion and (partial) execution of a typical course of astrophysical observations: calibration frames (images before and after calibration), observations of selected objects, ways of performing of photometric measurements, and a light curve.
Practical astrophysics at observatory5

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