Non-equilibrium statistical physics  

Basics of kinetic theory (Distribution function, detailed balance, Boltzmann kinetic equation. The H-theorem, transition to hydrodynamics. Weakly inhomogeneous gases. Transport coefficients: thermal conduction, shear, and bulk viscosity Onsager’s relations. Dynamical derivation of the BKE from Bogolyubov hierarchy. Radiative transport in stellar atmospheres as a kinetic process. Thermal conductivity and shear viscosity of stellar matter in the non- degenerate regime.) Diffusion processes (Fokker-Planck equation. Diffusion of heavy particles in a gas, ionization, and recombination. Stellar opacities in multi-component plasma.) Degenerate systems (Quantum liquids, quasiparticles, and their kinetics. Applications: sound attenuation in Fermi gases, transport in metals and liquid helium. Applications to white dwarfs: electrical conduction of electron gas in the degenerate regime. Applications to neutron stars: shear viscosity and thermal conductivity of neutron matter in the degenerate regime from Fermi-liquid theory.) Advanced methods (Green’s functions methods in kinetics, real-time contour formulation of the theory. Projection operator methods, Kubo formula for transport coefficients Electron self-energy and Landau damping in white dwarf stars. Computation of transport coefficient of quark matter in neutron stars from Kubo formulas.)
Non-equilibrium statistical physics

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