Astero- and helioseismology  

Basic issues and concepts: oscillation mode, identification of modes, seismic model of a star, evolutionary period changes. Helioseismology: short history, properties of solar oscillations, asymptotic relations, principles of helioseismic inversion, inversion for solar rotation and solar structure. Heat driven pulsators: δ Scuti stars, β Cephei stars, Slowly Pulsating B-type (SPB) stars, γ Doradus stars, constraints on: rotational profile, element mixing processes, efficiency of convection, opacity data. Compact pulsators: white dwarfs (WD: DAV, DBV, DOV), hot subdwarfs (sdB, sdO), WD and sdB pulsators as a boundary condition for stellar evolution theory, WD pulsators as Galactic chronometers, WD pulsators as cosmic laboratories for fundamental physics. Solar-like pulsators: asteroseismic diagnostic signatures, asteroseismic diagram, scaling relations, main sequence stars, subgiants, red giants.
Astero- and helioseismology

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