Observational astronomy 1-4  

Classicaion and characterisics of planetary bodies. Formaion of the Solar System. Formaion and evoluion of planets. Moon and Mercury. Venus. Earth as a planet. Mars. Gas giants. The Jovian system. Sytems of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Small solar system bodies. Interplanetary dust. Semester 2: The Sun Historical introducion. Standard solar model, solar neutrinos. Helioseismology. Solar rotaion. Instrumentaion for solar observing. Polarisaion of light and its applicaions in solar physics. The quiet photosphere. Chromosphere and corona. Acivity phenomena: sunspots, faculae, prominences, lares, CMEs. Acive regions and the solar acivity cycle. Basics of solar dynamo theory. Solar wind and the heliosphere. Semester 3: Special stars and objects Stars with anomalous spectra: Ae/Be stars, C and S spectral types, Wolf-Rayet stars. Variable stars. Pulsaing variables. Erupive variables. Rotaing and cataclysmic variables változócsillagok. Binary stars. Supercompact variables X-ray binaries. Miniquasars, black hole candidates. Quasars and acive galacic nuclei. Semester 4: Remarkable individual objects Mapping of the Milky Way Galaxy. Spiral arms. The galacic center. Remarkable objects in the Sagitarius and Carina arms. Remarkable objects in the Perseus ar, Crab nebula. Our cosmic neighbourhood, the Orion spur. The Orion star forming region. The nearest stars. Remarkable star clusters. Magellanic clouds. Local group. >>Virgo Supercluster. Remarkable objects beyond our supercluster.
Observational astronomy 1-4

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