Astrophysics 1-2  

Semester 1: Elements of potenial theory,: shell theorems, virial theorem, Poisson equaion. Basics of cosmology. Elements of radiaive transfer. Thermal radiaion. Random walk, difusive approximaion, transport coeicients, Rosseland opacity. Equaions of stellar structure. Overview of stellar evoluion. Semester 2: Eddington's criical luminosity. Stellar winds and driving mechanisms. Parker's solar wind model. Spherical (Bondi) accreion. Scatering in 1/r potenial. Applicaion to plasmas: transport coeicients. Applicaion to stellar systems: stellar encounters, collisional relaxaion. Basics of stellar dynamics. Elements of gravitaional lensing. Free-free transiions, bremsstrahlung. Thermal bremsstrahlung. Elements of the theory of accreion, thin accreion disks, Shakura-Sunyaev model.
Astrophysics 1-2

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