Introduction to management  

The study course aims at enabling students to learn the modern methods of organisation and planning of business and the professional skills and skills of their use, as well as practices for the organisation and planning methods of economic processes. Description of course tasks: identifying the factors affecting the company and learning the skills of establishing companies; learning the methods of management of companies and their conditions of use; learning modern planning methods and the system of indicators used in planning and learning their skills; learning the skills of building the information system required for the management of the company. Explore the international environment of business activities, meet international agreements, types of international transactions. To meet export and market opportunities. Course Tasks: 1. to explore the nature, forms and environment of business; 2. clarify the general rules and principles of the functioning of an economic undertaking; 3. clarify the methods of choice of business place and learn how to use them; 4. learn the skills and skills of organising and planning economic processes; 5. to choose and evaluate a more economically advantageous business option. 6. learn skills for creating and validating new business ideas Results Knowledge: 1. A comprehensive understanding of the theory of business organisation, knowledge and knowledge of the knowledge necessary for the start-up of business. 2. Knowledge of the key methods of management theory and the most commonly used solutions are capable of identifying the methods that are not being applied to solve different challenges. 3. Capable of classifying specific business problems and collecting the necessary information for solving problems. 4. the development of a reasoned plan system for the necessary knowledge system and the creation of a business concept in EB62s. Skills: 5. Demonstrating the results of their studies, students are able to present understandably and reasoned defending their views in EB62. 6. Capable of developing a justification for the establishment of a new establishment; 7. Is capable of clearly demonstrating the development skills of an economic project (business concept) in the computing sector EB42; Competence 8. Students are able to independently develop a business model for a new business model in the computer industry; 9. Students are able to develop and present a minimum product concept in the computing sector; 10. Students are able to formulate the company's competition strategies and offer their enforcement system; 11. Students are able to present their research results understandably and reasoned to defend their views in EB62.
Introduction to management

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