Human geography  

The objective of the study course is to facilitate understanding about main research fields of human geography; its major concepts and approaches. The study course is created for the academic bachelor study programs of the environmental sciences. The tasks of the course are to provide knowledge about the major topics of human geography (population, social, historical, cultural, political and economic geography), and their research techniques. Language of instruction: Latvian, English Results Knowledge 1. Explain concepts, principles, theories and models significant in field of Human geography. 2. Understand the diversity and spatial location of human activity, the main regularities of human-nature interaction and its changes in time and space; 3. Describe the goals and tasks of Human Geography, the specifics of research and the role of Human Geography in society; Skills 4. Plan and acquire data from publish and unpublish sources (including electronic resources) using scientific methods methods; 5. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to describe and explain the diversity and spatial location of human activity, using appropriate tools, approaches and software; 6. Uses written and oral communication in Latvian and scientific terminology in English; Competence 7. Analyze and evaluate the diversity and spatial location of human activity, the main regularities of human-nature interaction and its changes in time and space; 8. Design research and explore significant problems in field of Human geography, considering principles of scientific ethics; 9. Solve interdisciplinary problems and make decisions using knowledge, understanding and skills from field of Human geogrpahy. 10. Communicate with the general public about current issues and direction of Human Geography;
Human geography

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