Database practice  

The course aims to develop the practical skills in SQL language application. The course includes both theoretical and practical parts. Each theoretical theme is reinforced with appropriate practical work. Examples are demonstrated and exercises are solved in a database management system Microsoft SQL Server 2017 and Transact SQL syntax. Tasks of the study course: 1. To acquire knowledge about Microsoft SQL Server architecture, functionality and data storage organization. 2. To learn Transact-SQL language. 3. To learn how to use Microsoft SQL Server tools for database creation, management and maintenance. The language of instruction is Latvian. Results Knowledge 1. is familiar with MS SQL Server concepts. (eb11, eb12) 2. tells about SQL Server architecture, functionality and data storage organization. (eb11, eb12) Skills 3. working in practice with MS SQL Server Management Studio tool, uses tool graphical interface features, as well as write commands in Transact-SQL language. (eb31, eb33, eb35) 4. uses MS SQL Server for database design and management. (eb31, eb33, eb35) 5. practically create and configure database objects, understand the objectives of the different types of indexes and operating principles of integrity constraints, implement the business functionality as triggers, stored procedures and functions, manage the database transactions and perform backup and restoration. (eb31, eb35, eb55) Competence 6. has practical experience in database management, builds databases according to requirements (eb31, eb33, eb35)
Database practice

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