Geography of latvia  

The aim of the course is to master the basics of geography of Latvia, including the peculiarities of natural conditions, society, changes in the cultural landscape and economic development of the territory. The tasks of the study course "Geography of Latvia" is: to provide basic knowledge in the fields of nature, human and regional geography of Latvia; to gain knowledge and understanding of the interaction of natural and social processes, territorial differentiation and changes over time in the territory of Latvia. The planned practical works and seminars will strengthen theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in the interpretation of geographic information, geographical analysis of data and critical evaluation. The study course will broaden the horizons of natural science specialists, as well as the development of interdisciplinary and innovative research. Language of study course: English, Latvian Results Knowledge 1. Explain with understanding the basic facts about the main processes forming the places and regions of Latvia, 2. Explain with understanding natural and man-made conditions and processes of various scales (global, regional and local), their interaction and significance in the formation of the geographical character of the territory of Latvia; 3. Explain with understanding the interconnections of different factors of Latvia's sustainable development; Skills 4. Carries out the evaluation of the formation, structure and development peculiarities of geographical complexes and territories, using laboratory and field research methods; 5. Demonstrates skills to conduct territory or place research and analysis of the current situation; 6. Identifies and comprehensively evaluates the factors determining the development of territories; Competences 7. Plans the structure, course, activities of the research of territories and places, develops the substantiation for the selection and application of methods; 8. Presents the developed study works and substantiates their geographical content and methods.
Geography of latvia

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