Spatial database management  

The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge in the theoretical and practical aspects of spatial database management. The goals of course are to introduce students to the storage of spatial data in databases, the specifics of the creation of spatial databases, geospatial analysis; to familiarize with data integrity and database performance issues; to gain an insight into linear referencing systems and routing methods; to consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge by solving practical geospatial problems with the aid of PostGIS and SpatiaLite database management systems. Course languages: English, Latvian Course responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne Results Knowledge 1. knows the most popular spatial database management systems; 2. is familiar with the representation of geographical objects in databases; 3. knows the methods of analysis of geographical object spatial relations, DE9IM; 4. describes tools for ensuring the quality of geospatial data; 5. explains potential causes of performance problems of geospatial data analysis queries and proposes possible solutions; 6. is familiar with the principles of linear referencing systems; 7. describes methods of solving routing problems. Skills 8. constructs object geometries in OGC WKT format; 9. works with PostGIS and SpatiaLite databases in QGIS program; 10. imports and exports data to PostGIS using command line or graphical tools; 11. analyses object geometry spatial relationships with PostGIS queries; 12. performs routing tasks with PostGIS tools; 13. analyses causes of geospatial SQL query performance problems. Competence 14. provides justified geospatial data integration into a database structure; 15. recommends solutions to improve performance of geospatial data analysis queries; 16. justifies the chosen solution for storage and analysis of geospatial data.
Spatial database management

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