Web technologies Iā is an introductory course to general methods of web development. It provides an insight into the history of web and introduces the main contemporary technologies used for client side web development ā HTML, CSS, JavaScript. In the practical part of the course, students individually develop a simple web page. The development simplifies digesting of the theoretical part of the course by getting to know the practical principles of web development. The language of instruction of the course is Latvian.
Results Knowledge 1. Awareness of the most popular web development technologies has been achieved (EB11, eb12) Skills 2. Ability to identify the required tools for development of specific functionality (eb21) 3. Ability to analyze the structure of a web page sketch and to provide adequate means for page layout (eb21, eb31, EB34) Competence 4. Some practical competency of web development is achieved, a simple (one or several page) web sites without server-side solutions can be mastered (eb31, EB34, eb35)