
The aim of the study course is to promote understanding of the role of geodetic and land surveying methods in earth and environmental sciences, a set of applied instruments, hardware and aids, their methods and techniques and desired results, data processing obtained with geodetic methods, presentation of the results of measurements on topographic plans and maps and methods to control the accuracy and precision of the results. Description of course tasks: give an insight into the historical and contemporary role of geodesy as a science and its relation to other fields of science, introduce with coordinate and altitude systems, their application in geodesy in the world and in Latvia, introduce with the magnetic field of the Earth, its measurements and significance, characterize different methods of horizontal and vertical surveying, including angular, distance and elevation measurements, the instruments and their design required for performing geodetic tasks, analyse the accuracy and use of data from different survey methods and instruments, provide theoretical and practical skills on the preparation of cartographic materials, the development of geodetic network, tachymetric surveying, field data processing, data import into CAD and GIS software, preparation of topographic plans, raise awareness of the accuracy and necessity of geodetic networks, regulatory frameworks in Latvia in the field of geodesy and land surveying, the possibilities of using the GNSS base station network, in the context of geodetic and GIS data collection. The study course is taught in Latvian. Course responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne Results Knowledge 1. describes the differences between the different coordinate systems and the need for use, explains the characteristics of LKS-92 coordinate system. 2. explains the need for the accuracy of geodetic measurements for displaying data on different scales, 3. describe the principles of geodetic instruments, different methods for obtaining and processing geodetic data and surveying techniques, 4. explains the processes for preparing large-scale plans and cartographic materials, Skills 5. use the methods and techniques of geodetic survey, practically survey the territory and prepare a topographic plan, able to produce large-scale cartographic material, 6. use a various geodetic instruments to provide earth and environmental sciences with accurate data, 7. analyse and process measurement data (spatial information) obtained by geodetic surveying methods using analogue and digital methods, 8. analyse the instructions and regulations of production of geospatial data, use them in the data production process, Competence 9. assess the required set of instruments, make a choice of their precision and data acquisition and processing methods for specific mapping work, 10. reasonably proposes suggestions for solving specific geodesy tasks.

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