Introduction to the dynamics of atmospheres  

1. Forces on air parcels 2. The dynamical equations 3. Elementary properties of atmospheric motion (geostrophic wind, potential temperature, adiabatic temperature gradient,static stability, gradient wind, thermal wind, barotropic vs. baroclinic atmosphere) 4. Circulation and vorticity 5. Quasi geostrophic analysis 6. Linear perturbation theory 7. Baroclinic instabilities 8. The influence of the planetary boundary layer 9. General circulation Final competences: 1 Apply continuum mechanics to atmospheres in general. 2 Notion of the problems in atmosheric dynamics. 3 Connect concepts in thermodynamics to meteorology. 4 Give a mathematical formulation for phenomena of dynamcis of fluids. 5 Investigate flows in the atmosphere by apllication of physical laws and principles. 6 Distinguish and explain various types of flows in the atmosphere. 7 Explain and interprete graphs and diagrams related to the dynamics of atmospheres. 8 Understand the importance of mathematical analytical and numerical modeling in the context 1 of meteorology. 9 Identifying and applying the right approach to gain the insight in synoptic-scale disturbances 1 and energy transfers in the general circulation.
Introduction to the dynamics of atmospheres

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