
Theoretical background of luminescence • Configuration coordinate diagram, selection rules, transition probabilities, energy transfer, • decay behaviour, thermal behaviour • Lanthanide based luminescence (europium, cerium, erbium, terbium,...) • Transition metal based luminescence (manganese, chromium,...) • Other luminescent ions (lead, bismuth, antimony,...) • Luminescence in organic compounds • Synthesis and characterization of phosphors • Up-conversion and quantum cutting • Dopant-host interactions • Quantum confinement and quantum dots • Colour perception and eye sensitivity Types of luminescence • Photoluminescence (PL) • Electroluminescence (EL): AC and DX powder electroluminescence, thin film • electroluminescence, LEDs • Cathodoluminescence: principle, usage as analytical technique, in combination with electron • microscopy Credits 6.0 Study time 180 h Teaching languages Keywords Position of the course Contents Course size (nominal values; actual values may depend on programme) (Approved) 1 Access to this course unit via a credit contract is determined after successful competences assessment This course unit cannot be taken via an exam contract end-of-term and continuous assessment examination during the second examination period is possible Participation, assignment Lecture, seminar, independent work • Thermoluminescence (TL) • Persistent luminescence • Radioluminescence (RL) • Other forms (mechanoluminescence, triboluminescence, chemiluminescence, • bioluminescence, sonoluminescence) Applications of luminescence • Historic development of luminescent materials • Phosphors for cathode ray tubes • LEDs and phosphors for white LEDs • OLEDs • Lasers • Phosphors for medical imaging and storage phosphors • Scintillator phosphors and phosphors for radiation detectors • Afterglow phosphors Defect characterization of semiconductors Final competences: 1 Have a thorough knowledge and insight in luminescent processes in condensed matter and the newest scientific developments in this context. 2 Identifying and understanding coherence between luminescence and other relevant science domains, such as atomic and molecular physics, group theory and quantum mechanics. 3 Being able to analyze, critically evaluate and structure information available in scientific literature on luminescence. 4 Communicate on new developments and underlying theories of relevant luminescence processes and applications, with experts and non-experts.

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