Optical spectroscopy of materials  

• UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometry: Introduction; Applications: thin film optics • Spectroscopic ellipsometry • Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: Introduction; Vibrational transitions in materials; • Electronic transitions in materials • Luminescence Spectroscopy: PL (photoluminescence); CL (cathodoluminescence) . Final competences: 1 Estimate the complex refractive index of an arbitrary material from optical measurements. 2 Understand the concepts optical density, infrared- and Raman-active modes, excitation spectrum, emission spectrum, configuration coördinate diagram. 3 Have insight in the relation between resolution, dynamic range, measurement time and signal to noise ratio in optical measurements. 4 Interpret infrared absorption spectra of solid materials. 5 Understand the origin of different luminescent processes in solids. 6 Understand the possiblities and limitations of ellipsometric measurements in comparison with photometric measurements.
Optical spectroscopy of materials

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