Academic writing  

Annotation: The aim of this course is not to increase the student's level of English, but to improve academic writing skills. This course is not an opportunity for students to have their texts checked or corrected - the aim of this course is for the student to be able to write (better) English at an academic level. The expected level of English at the beginning of the course is B2-Upper-Intermediate. If the student's current level of English is too low, the student must improve his knowledge independently (outside this course). By writing in English regularly during this course, students will naturally improve their level of English. Study objectives: to improve the student's skills and abilities of writing academically (in English). Contents: The aim of this course is not to increase the student's level of English, but to improve academic writing skills. This course is not an opportunity for students to have their texts checked or corrected - the aim of this course is for the student to be able to write (better) English at an academic level. The expected level of English at the beginning of the course is B2-Upper-Intermediate. If the student's current level of English is too low, the student must improve his knowledge independently (outside this course). By writing in English regularly during this course, students will naturally improve their level of English. Lecture outlines: Week 1: Course Introduction, Credit Requirements UNIT ONE: What is Academic Writing? Academic Vocabulary Week 2: UNIT TWO:Types of Academic Writing Formality, Accuracy and Punctuation in Academic Writing Week 3:UNIT THREE:The Structure of Academic Texts Sentence Structures Week 4:UNIT FOUR:Organisation Understanding the Task The Process of Academic Writing (Pre-writing & Planning) Week 5:UNIT FIVE:Complexity in Academic Writing Articles in English Week 6:UNIT SIX:Objectivity & Hedging in Academic Writing Using ‘For Example’ and Phrases like ‘For Example’ Week 7:UNIT SEVEN:The Introductory Paragraph The Difference between an Abstract and an Introduction Thesis Statements Week 8:UNIT EIGHT:Body Paragraphs Paragraph Structure (Topic Sentences / Supporting Sentences & Details) Paragraph Unity & Coherence Week 9:UNIT NINE:Transition Signals Week 10:UNIT TEN: Rhetorical Functions in Academic Writing: Reasons and Explanations (Cause and Effect) Comparison and Contrast Week 11:UNIT ELEVEN: Concrete Support Facts versus Opinions / Supporting Details / Extended Examples / Statistics Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries / Documenting Sources of Information Week 12:UNIT TWELVE:Writing a Conclusion Proofreading & Editing Week 13:UNIT THIRTEEN:Supplemental Materials & Further Reading Week 14:Spare Week Week 3: UNIT THREE: THE INTRODUCTION Writing an Introductory Paragraph Writing a Conclusion Week 4: UNIT FOUR: PARAGRAPHS Part One Paragraph Structure Week 5: UNIT FIVE: PARAGRAPHS Part Two Topic Sentences / Supporting Sentences & Details Week 6: UNIT SIX: PARAGRAPHS Part Three Unity & Coherence Week 7: UNIT SEVEN: CONCRETE SUPPORT Part One Facts versus Opinions Week 8: UNIT EIGHT: CONCRETE SUPPORT Part Two Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries Week 9: UNIT NINE: TRANSITION SIGNALS Week 10: UNIT TEN: COMPARISON & CONTRAST Week 11: UNIT ELEVEN: CAUSE and EFFECT Week 12: UNIT TWELVE: PUNCTUATION The Comma / The Semicolon / The Colon Abbreviations & Numbers / American vs British English Week 13: UNIT THIRTEEN: FORMAL LETTER WRITING Letters of Application & Complaint Week 14: Spare Week, Credits Exercise syllabus: Week 1: Course Introduction, Credit Requirements Week 1: Course Introduction, Credit Requirements UNIT ONE: What is Academic Writing? Academic Vocabulary Week 2: UNIT TWO:Types of Academic Writing Formality, Accuracy and Punctuation in Academic Writing Week 3:UNIT THREE:The Structure of Academic Texts Sentence Structures Week 4:UNIT FOUR:Organisation Understanding the Task The Process of Academic Writing (Pre-writing & Planning) Week 5:UNIT FIVE:Complexity in Academic Writing Articles in English Week 6:UNIT SIX:Objectivity & Hedging in Academic Writing Using ‘For Example’ and Phrases like ‘For Example’ Week 7:UNIT SEVEN:The Introductory Paragraph The Difference between an Abstract and an Introduction Thesis Statements Week 8:UNIT EIGHT:Body Paragraphs Paragraph Structure (Topic Sentences / Supporting Sentences & Details) Paragraph Unity & Coherence Week 9:UNIT NINE:Transition Signals Week 10:UNIT TEN: Rhetorical Functions in Academic Writing: Reasons and Explanations (Cause and Effect) Comparison and Contrast Week 11:UNIT ELEVEN: Concrete Support Facts versus Opinions / Supporting Details / Extended Examples / Statistics Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries / Documenting Sources of Information Week 12:UNIT TWELVE:Writing a Conclusion Proofreading & Editing Week 13:UNIT THIRTEEN:Supplemental Materials & Further Reading Week 14:Spare Week Week 3: UNIT THREE: THE INTRODUCTION Writing an Introductory Paragraph Writing a Conclusion Week 4: UNIT FOUR: PARAGRAPHS Part One Paragraph Structure Week 5: UNIT FIVE: PARAGRAPHS Part Two Topic Sentences / Supporting Sentences & Details Week 6: UNIT SIX: PARAGRAPHS Part Three Unity & Coherence Week 7: UNIT SEVEN: CONCRETE SUPPORT Part One Facts versus Opinions Week 8: UNIT EIGHT: CONCRETE SUPPORT Part Two Quotations, Paraphrases, and Summaries Week 9: UNIT NINE: TRANSITION SIGNALS Week 10: UNIT TEN: COMPARISON & CONTRAST Week 11: UNIT ELEVEN: CAUSE and EFFECT Week 12: UNIT TWELVE: PUNCTUATION The Comma / The Semicolon / The Colon Abbreviations & Numbers / American vs British English Week 13: UNIT THIRTEEN: FORMAL LETTER WRITING Letters of Application & Complaint Week 14: Spare Week, Credits
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Academic writing

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