Attitude dynamics, determination and control  

Introduction to the course (relevance of attitude, angles as attitude descriptors, frames, basic dynamics & kinematics). Attitude representations (direction cosine matrix, Euler angles, quaternions). Inertia, principal axes. Euler equation, homogeneous solution for a spinner, general case for a non-spinning spacecraft. Disturbing torques (gravity gradient, aerodynamic, solar radiation pressure torque, magnetic). Attitude Determination basics and hardware (Earth and Sun sensors, star trackers, magnetometers, GNSS). Passive and Active control. Gravity gradient stabilization, and related damping techniques. Spinner (control during orbit acquisition and during operations, dual spin architecture). Momentum exchange control. Desaturation. Momentum bias concept. Magnetic Control. Characteristics of attitude actuators (reaction thrusters, wheels, magnetotorquers). Introduction to time-optimal control. Remarks on flexibility and sloshing effects.
Attitude dynamics, determination and control

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