
Lecture: Introduction to geodesy: land surveying and geodesy, the shape of the Earth, an introduction to physical geodesy, the concept of height systems, the natural coordinate system. Rotational ellipsoid as a reference surface: fundamental relationships on the ellipsoid's surface, geodetic coordinates, geodetic line and normal sections, calculation of coordinates, the direct and inverses problems on the ellipsoid. Transformations of GNSS measurement results: introduction to transformation, 7-parameters transformation, affine transformation, the transformation of geodetic latitude and longitude coordinates. Reductions of coordinates obtained from GNSS measurements on the reference surface: direct reduction to the ellipsoid surface, reduction in the gravity field, Gauss-Krüger and UTM maps, reductions to the projection plane, PL-2000 ', PL-1992 and PL-1965 systems. Laboratory: the geometry of the ellipsoid: spherical excess, ellipsoid parameters and basic relations between them, normal sections and geodesics, geodetic, geocentric and reduced coordinates, conversion between geodetic, Cartesian and topocentric geodetic coordinate systems <-> xyz <-> NEU), transfer of coordinates: direct task and inverse task - Kivioji and Vincent methods, geodetic reference systems, coordinate transformations between different systems. Converting geodetic coordinates to state plane coordinate systems; reductions of the observation to the ellipsoid and the projection plane.

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