
Lecture: Legal basics of the functioning of the cadastre, and organisational structures of cadastre functioning. Cadastral division of the country: cadastral unit, cadastral district, parcel. Basic concepts: real estate, land real estate and registered parcel, building real estate and building, premises real estate and independent residential or other purpose premises. Collections of information on land, buildings, and premises in the cadastre, and sources of obtaining data. Sources of data for numerical description of boundaries of a registered parcel – technical and legal issues. Documentation from the establishment of the cadastre, and the possibility of its use among others for the numerical description of boundaries of a registered parcel. Data concerning entities in the cadastre, and source of data on the entities. Land use classification. Reports reflecting cadastral data. Rules of establishment of an existing cadastre, and rules of its continuous updating – formal legal and technical conditions. Rules of modernisation of the cadastre. Connections of the cadastre with land register and the fiscal cadastre system. Laboratory practice: Establishment of a real estate cadastre for a selected surveying district. Preparation of documentation necessary for the establishment of a land register. Analysis of the structure of land register, including preparation of a report from analysis of a selected land register.

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