Geophysical prospecting methods  

The objective of this unit is to introduce the basics of seismic, electrical and potential methods (gravimetry and magnetism) to allow students in Earth Sciences and Environment, whatever their future specializations, to know the contribution and limits of these classic methods. In seismic we introduce the acquisition geometry and seismic processing, the goal is to develop algorithmic techniques for imaging the subsurface by seismic reflection and refraction. Use of the Snell-Descartes law in the case where the speed varies linearly with depth. Acquisition and processing of seismic reflection data. Imaging seismic data after summation in time and depth. Show examples of seismic data interpretation in reflection and refraction. In electrical imaging, we introduce the basic principles and the different devices. We discuss the acquisition and inversion parameters according to the desired geological targets. In gravimetry and magnetism, we quickly describe the theory of potential, give the principles of measurement and its implementation in the field and finally give the necessary elements for data processing (concepts of anomaly) and their interpretation. Outdoor practical work sessions or tutorials will be carried out depending on availability.
Geophysical prospecting methods

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