Initiation to research project  

The objective of the “Research initiation project” module is to discover the process of fundamental or applied scientific research via, mainly, the realization of a research project carried out in immersion in a research laboratory. It can potentially be carried out in partnership with a company or a public authority. This module allows students to acquire a first concrete experience of research and knowledge of its mode of operation which will prove useful whatever their professional orientation. It will also allow students to test their skills and taste for fundamental or applied research. The skills developed in this module (critical analysis, project management, time management, ethics in the scientific environment, writing and presentation of a study following a given formalism, etc.) will be valuable to all students, even if they are not are not oriented towards a career in academic research. In addition, many projects allow students to discover the socio-economic links and impacts of research activities.
Initiation to research project

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