Pollution in hydrosystems  

Transfers of contaminants in hydrosystems - EU objectives: Understand: interaction between microbiological, chemical and hydrological processes during the transfer of contaminants Acquire the basics: observe and characterize the transfer of contaminants Understanding and using modern analytical approaches: assessing and predicting the transfer and degradation of contaminants Ecological engineering Ecotoxicology - I. Ecotoxicology: principles and bases Introduction - definitions 1.Exposure and fate of pollutants (Biavailability, fate of pollutants in the environment: degradation and metabolism) 2. Toxicokinetics (Pathways of entry, distribution, bioaccumulation, biotransformation, elimination) 3. Toxicodynamics - Effects and toxicity 4. Monitoring II. Measuring the effects of contaminants: bioassays III. Measuring the effects of contaminants: biomarkers Microbial degradation of hydrocarbons -
Pollution in hydrosystems

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