Optional modules - 6 ects (choice of 2 lectures over 6)  

- Remote sensing of tectonics and volcanic deformation - Satellite geodesy This lecture aims to give a general culture on current utilization of the space geodetic techniques in many geophysical fields (non-tectonic deformations, meteorological and climate applications) and open up new perspectives on their future utilizations - Planetary remote sensing - This lecture aims at giving a general culture on the exploration of the Solar System and describing the remote sensing methods commonly used to study the planets and small bodies without atmosphere in the Solar System. The methodologic part is dedicated to implementing in Python language sensitivity analysis and an inversion method using Bayesian inversion. - Energetics of the climate system Géneral Organization of the Course 1. The Earth seen as a whole: global processes and history 2. Radiative Processes and Radiative-Convective Models (vertical dimension of the problem) 3. Atmospheric and Oceanic Transport (horizontal dimension of the problem) 4. Anthropogenic forcings and climate response: uncertainties and feedbacks 5. The COPs: what is the role expected from science - Clouds, aerosols and precipitations - This course provides key elements of aerosol, cloud and precipitation physics, from the small scale (the particles composing clouds) to the regional scale (a cloud system) and up to the global scales. It includes: - Origin and chemical composition of aerosols - Spatial and vertical distributions of particles in the atmosphere - Microphysics of aerosols: brownian motion, coagulation, condensation, deposition, cloud nucleation - Optical properties of aerosols - Aerosol radiative forcing: direct, semi-direct, indirect, impact on snow and ice surfaces - Water in the atmosphere: thermodynamics of moist air - Microphysics of warm clouds: formation and growth of cloud droplets - Microphysics of cold clouds: formation and growth of ice crystals - Precipitation processes : Rain and Snow - Opical properties of clouds - Effect of clouds on radiations - Cloud feedbacks and link with climate sensitivity - Atmospheric chemistry and air quality - This course presents the mechanisms that control the composition of the atmosphere in the lower atmosphere, in remote and polluted environments. A first part introduces the basics of chemical kinetics and photochemical equilibria in the troposphere. The equilibrium of the stratosphere and the evolution of the ozone layer are then studied. The rest of the course is devoted more specifically to the understanding of the oxidative capacity of the troposphere and the composition and properties of atmospheric aerosols. The main processes involved in the development of air pollution episodes at urban and regional scales, as well as the tools used by the scientific community and air quality management services for air quality monitoring and forecasting, are then described. The specific structure of the boundary layer and the associated chemical and dynamical processes are detailed, including emissions, deposition and chemical evolution. All aspects are introduced theoretically before providing a specific description of the practical application in modeling platforms. These models are presented in the context of current air quality policies in Europe and key issues are presented to understand the realistic abatement choices discussed for improving air quality and limiting climate change. Various current applications are described such as extreme case analysis, scenario studies up to operational forecasting, health impact assessment, chemistryclimate analysis
Optional modules - 6 ects (choice of 2 lectures over 6)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).