Digital signal processing  

Objectives and Contextualisation Once completed the subject, the student will be able to: Use vector and matrix algebra normally. Operate with numerical series and stochastic processes. Rigorously use different probabilistic tools. Estimate the parameters of a model from the signal samples at its output. Estimate the power spectral density of a random process. Design optimal filters in the MMSE sense and implement them in an efficient manner using iterative/adaptive algorithms. Apply signal processing techniques to situations in real life. Competences Apply deterministic and stochastic signal processing techniques to the design of communication subsystems and data analysis. Develop personal attitude. Develop personal work habits. Develop thinking habits. Learn new methods and technologies, building on basic technological knowledge, to be able to adapt to new situations. Perform measurements, calculations, estimations, valuations, analyses, studies, reports, task-scheduling and other similar work in the field of telecommunication systems. Learning Outcomes Adapt the knowledge and techniques of the digital signal treatment in accordance with the characteristics of communication systems and services as well as fixed or mobile work scenario. Adapt to unforeseen situations. Analyse and specify the fundamental parameters of communication subsystems from the point of view of the transmission, reception and digital treatment of signals. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of different technological alternatives or the implementation of communication systems from the point of view of digital signal treatment. Apply adaptive statistical filtering and control theory to the design of dynamic algorithms for the coding, processing and transmission of multimedia information. Apply multichannel signal processing to the design of fixed and mobile antenna grouping based communication systems. Apply detection and estimation theory to the design of communication receivers. Apply statistical signal processing to estimate synchronisation parameters in digital communication and radio-navigation receivers. Autonomously learn new knowledge related with digital signal processing in order to conceive and develop communication systems. Be able to analyse, encode, process and transmit multimedia information employing analogue and digital signal processing techniques. Describe the operational principles of radio-navigation, its architecture and the techniques for dealing with its sources of error. Develop critical thinking and reasoning. Develop curiosity and creativity. Develop independent learning strategies. Develop mathematical models to simulate the behaviour of communication subsystems and to evaluate and predict features. Develop scientific thinking. Develop the capacity for analysis and synthesis. Generate innovative and competitive proposals in professional activity. Manage available time and resources. Manage information by critically incorporating the innovations of one's professional field, and analysing future trends. Propose innovative solutions for problems related with the transmission, reception and the digital treatment of signals. Work in complex or uncertain surroundings and with limited resources.
Digital signal processing

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