Space systems  

Unit Information The unit introduces spacecraft engineering from a system level perspective. First students learn about the context of space exploration through a history of space lecture. Then payloads as the drivers of mission design are examined. After this, orbital mechanics is covered up to Hohmann transfer level. Labs are used to reinforce understanding of orbital mechanics with a short piece of coursework using the orbit modelling software to assess understanding of calculations and terminology. Propulsion and launchers follow with calculations of delta V. Then spacecraft subsystems are covered next (including power, thermal, communications, mechanical systems, AOCS), with an emphasis on how these systems work together to deliver a specific mission. A blackboard quiz provides feedback to give students a chance to test themselves. The course finishes with two industrial satellite case studies, at least one of these is provided by industry. Example sheets, examples classes, videos and demonstrations support the learning throughout. Your learning on this unit On successful completion of the course students will be able to: explain terminology used to describe orbits; perform calculations for Keplerian orbits and transfers; describe the constituents and functioning of spacecraft subsystems; perform calculations for rockets and spacecraft subsystems; describe mission examples of subsystem design implementation.
Space systems

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