Avdasi 3 - design methods and systems engineering  

Unit Information This unit aims to introduce the relevant design methods, tools and systems engineering principles that will enable the student to exercise and consolidate engineering knowledge in the context of aerospace vehicles. Delivery of the course will consider the techniques used to convert a need into engineering requirements, followed by application of the tools required to compare different design solutions in several aerospace disciplines. Completion of the course will also develop the student’s technical reporting and management skills. Your learning on this unit On successful completion of the unit the student will be able to: demonstrate the application of aerospace design tools and methods; describe the key principles of the systems engineering approach and explain their utility within a system lifecycle; implement analysis tools to satisfy broad engineering requirements across different design disciplines and understand the limitations of such tools; employ systems engineering methods to assess alternative design solutions under conflicting technical requirements and recognise the need for compromise; communicate clearly through written documentation to facilitate the design process and to report on technical findings; apply teamwork and project management skills for collaborative efforts to satisfy design requirements.
Avdasi 3 - design methods and systems engineering

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