Aerial robotics  

Your learning on this unit An overview of content Within this unit, students will learn fundamental skills such as flight dynamics, control and avionics within the context of aerial robotics systems and applications. In additional to the legal requirements for UAV operations, students will be introduced to the use of software simulation tools for flight planning and algorithm development. These will include examples of flight dynamics models, sensor models and control systems, and be complemented with disruptive technologies such as autonomous navigation and bio-inspiration. How will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit? Students will have applied their fundamental understanding of dynamics and control to the design and operation of UAVs. They will also have extended their technical understanding in these areas and will have a clear overview of practical flight testing and evaluation. Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the unit, students will be able to: identify legal requirements for aerial robotics operations within UK airspace; describe typical aerial robotics systems and applications; conduct outline planning for a typical UAV operation within UK airspace; explain the basis of feedback control systems for UAVs and their role in flight dynamics and guidance; apply a typical route planning algorithm to a representative software simulation; carry out a design trade-off study for a new aerial robotics platform.
Aerial robotics

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