Product and production systems  

Unit Information The unit provides the opportunity for students to practise the most current industrial Product Development and Production System Design techniques in an integrated stimulating and dynamic learning environment. The unit will highlight the importance of the virtual prototyping for complex engineering and bio-inspired product development in the context of product lifecycle management (PLM) and through-life engineering services (TES). The unit covers design for machining and CNC machine tools, process planning for machining leading to virtual machining techniques (CAM). This unit provides a broad range of skills for students to analyse complex value adding systems such as manufacturing and service provision systems by identifying their key elements and performance metrics, determining the effect of potential changes to the system and recommending changes that would result in sustainable and significant improvements. Your learning on this unit Upon successful completion of the unit, students will be able to: 1. Identify (knowledge) the key elements in a value generating system and select (knowledge) appropriate performance indicators and use these for assessing (evaluation) the functional properties of the system. 2. Select (knowledge) the appropriate modelling technique to improve (synthesis) a given aspect of performance in a product and production systems considering uncertainties, risk, quality issues and constraints throughout the system lifecycle. 3. Create (synthesis) the required models and validate (evaluation) them. 4. Apply (application) simulation analysis (analysis) methods to the models to measure (evaluation) performance and investigate (analysis) the behaviour of the system and interpret (comprehension) the results to propose improvements.
Product and production systems

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