Structural integrity and non-destructive evaluation  

Unit Information This unit introduces students to the treatment of high-integrity components within engineering. It covers both the detection and sizing of flaws using Non-Destructive testing Evaluation (NDE) methods and the quantitative assessment of structural integrity. We will look at the main NDE techniques with particular emphasis on state-of-the-art methods such as ultrasonic imaging. We will discuss the damage-tolerance of mechanical components and how to use engineering analysis to ensure safe operation. Methods for structural integrity assessment, their basis in fracture mechanics, and their use in practical applications involving NDE data and uncertainty will be introduced. The unit focusses on applications in industries where the consequences of structural failure are severe, such as oil & gas, aerospace and nuclear energy. Your learning on this unit Upon successful completion of the unit, students will be able to: 1. Understand common structural failure mechanisms and the theoretical basis of parameters used in structural integrity, such as stress intensity factor and strain energy release rate. 2. Use testing codes and standards, and the results of experiments performed using them, to calculate input data necessary for integrity assessment. 3. Understand the principles and engineering context of integrity assessment procedures based on the Failure Assessment Diagram concept. 4. Assess the structural integrity of mechanical components for safety-sensitive industries using quantitative engineering analysis, including the use of appropriate procedures and standards. 5. Recall why there is a need for Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDTE). 6. Explain the basic principles of the main NDE methods and associated signal processing techniques. 7. Integrate the knowledge gained throughout the course to design an NDE inspection and evaluate the structural integrity condition of a component from the NDE data.
Structural integrity and non-destructive evaluation

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