Modeling, simulation and application of propulsion and power systems  

Course Contents 2nd EDUCATION PERIOD Part 1 (2 ECTS) Module 1 Introduction, Context, Foundations Module 2 Conservation equations Module 3 Modeling paradigms Module 4 Numerical methods and software Module 5 Modelica Module 6 Constitutive equations Module 7 Components and system modeling Module 8 Verification and validation 3rd EDUCATION PERIOD Part 1 (1 ECTS) Module 9 Model-based control Take Home exam Part 2 (2 ECTS) Module 10 - Team Project to be chosen among a Aero engine with GSP or GTPsim b Power or propulsion system with Modelica Study Goals After learning the content of the course, the student will be able to: Given an engineering problem related to propulsion and power systems, use the 9-steps method to create or select the appropriate model and run and interpret simulations in order to obtain a good solution of such problem, and communicate the results. In particular, this overarching objective can be obtained by developing the following theoretical capabilities: 1. Describe the role and types of models in Propulsion and Power Systems Engineering, and define which different modeling paradigms and numerical methods are most appropriate or needed to develop a system model given its purpose. 2. Formulate a mathematical model for a typical propulsion and power system or component, by first analyzing the functionality of a system by means of a process flow diagram; by defining the energy, mass, and momentum conservation balances for the system of interest, and choosing the most appropriate form of conservation equations; by selecting the constitutive equations required to close the mathematical model (thermophysical models of fluids, chemical reaction eqs, heat transfer correlations, etc.). 3. Choose and configure numerical techniques for the solution of non-linear algebraic and differential-algebraic equation systems, which result from the formulation of a mathematical model. 4. Implement and code a system model of a power and propulsion application by adopting an object-oriented modeling approach (use of modularity, hierarchy, predefined connectors and inter-module variables). 5. Evaluate the reliability and possibly the fidelity of a model in the light of its purpose (model validation) 6. Use system models to solve engineering problems such as system performance assessment, preliminary design of the system and its components, the design of control strategies and the tuning of controller parameters, as well as communicate the results of the engineering analysis both verbally, and by means of a technical report.
Modeling, simulation and application of propulsion and power systems

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