Fundamentals of remote sensing  

This module will provide a comprehensive understanding of the physical principles of remote sensing. You’ll gain an understanding of the nature of electromagnetic radiation, its key properties and the processes that influence its propagation through space, atmospheres and its physical interaction with matter. It will also provide an introduction to different remote sensing platforms, sensors and data types and practical experience in basic techniques for processing, analysing and visualising remotely sensed data. On successful completion of the module, you should be able to: demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of electromagnetic radiation including its characteristics in free space and interactions with matter; demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of the physical principles underlying measurements of electromagnetic radiation using passive and active sensors; demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of the design, technical specifications and deployment modes of different photographic, electro-optical and microwave sensors and how this influences their suitability for different applications; demonstrate and apply critical knowledge and understanding of methodologies for sourcing, processing, analyzing and visualising remotely sensed data; demonstrate advanced ICT skills for the processing, analysis and visualisation of data and the ability to critically evaluate datasets in numerical and graphical form; communicate effectively to a range of audiences with different levels of knowledge and expertise.
Fundamentals of remote sensing

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