Soft skills  

Learning Outcomes Skills in communication and social competence are key factors for prospective engineers seeking leading positions. The module will prepare students for the social challenges in the work environment and provide a basic understanding and a hands-on experimentation space for the key soft skills required to lead employees, teams and organizations. In immersive real-life situations, students will train and develop their abilities in teamwork, adaptability, collaborative problem solving, and other key transferrable soft skills. After successful completion of this module, students will be able to - describe required written, verbal, and non-verbal communication skills in globally diverse teams, - actively listen and solve some typical conflicts in group engagement, - describe team development phases and how they can effectively interact accordingly, - collaborate, manage time and pro-actively develop themselves, - apply critical observation and self-management skills to aid problem-solving and decision making, - activate self-confidence to speak publicly with less fear and authentic presence. Content - Communication skills - Culture map - Teamwork and collaboration - Active listening - Critical observation - Feedback and feedforward - Storytelling - Collaborative problem solving and decision making
Soft skills

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