Computing project  

#### Prerequisites * Laboratory Skills and Electronics (PHYS2641) AND Foundations of Physics 1 (PHYS1122). #### Corequisites * None. #### Excluded Combination of Modules * None. #### Aims * This module is designed primarily for students studying Department of Physics or Natural Science degree programmes. * To develop students’ problem-solving skills in advanced computational physics. * To develop computer skills. * To reproduce and then extend the results of a classic research paper. * To develop transferable skills in researching a topic and making oral and written presentations on the findings. #### Content * The syllabus contains: * Use of a computer to solve problems using a variety of modern computing techniques and the preparation of written and oral presentations. #### Learning Outcomes Subject-specific Knowledge: * Having studied this module students will have formed an appreciation of the physics related to a chosen topic. Subject-specific Skills: * Students will have gained experience of solving physical problems using modern computing techniques. * They will have the skills to plan and carry out an extended project at an advanced level. * They will have demonstrated knowledge of scientific background and theoretical considerations. * They will have demonstrated the ability to produce a clear, detailed scientific report with appropriate presentation and lay summary. Key Skills: * Students will have the necessary skills to make written and oral presentations on their work. #### Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module * Teaching will be by lectures, computer classes and tutorials. * The lectures include training on general computing, testing and debugging. * The computer classes are designed to allow each student to obtain help and guidance through discussions with computing demonstrators. * The skills covered are transferable to a wide range of activities. * The tutorials provide support for research into an advanced topic of choice, develop skills in solving problems using modern computing techniques and provide a forum for developing oral and written presentation skills. * Students receive guidance and feedback on their presentation to the tutorial group and on their poster. * Student performance is formatively assessed through a milestone computer program and summatively assessed through the computing project. * The tutorials and computing classes provide opportunity for feedback, for students to gauge their progress and for staff to monitor progress throughout the duration of the module. More information at:
Computing project

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