Airborne sensors and photogrammetry  

### Working language Português - Suitable for English-speaking students ### Goals This UC presents the main concepts related to the acquisition, georeferencing and extraction of geometric information from images obtained by aerial cameras and other sensors, transported by manned aircraft or by UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). ### Learning outcomes and skills It is intended that students: 1) Get to know the essentials of aerial photography geometry. 2) Know the orientation procedures for single optical images and stereoscopic pairs. 3) Get to know the processes for obtaining three-dimensional information and orthorectification of images. 4) Perform simple processing of images obtained with UAV. 5) Understand the geometry of other airborne sensors and understand the need for adequate mathematical models. ### Working mode In person ### Program 1\. Geometry of aerial photography. two\. External guidance. 3\. Stereoscope pairs, image blocks and aerial triangulation. 4\. Automatic image correlation methods. 5\. Point clouds and digital surface models. 6\. Orthorectification and composition of mosaics. 7\. Image processing exercise obtained with UAV. 8\. Geometry of other sensors: Lidar, linear sensors and aerial SAR. ### Mandatory Bibliography Berberan Antonio; [Elements of photogrammetry]( "Elements of photogrammetry (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 972-95873-5-3 Wolf Paul R.; [Elements of photogrammetry]( "Elements of photogrammetry (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 0-07-292454-3 ### Complementary Bibliography Linder Wilfried; [Digtal photogrammetry]( "Digtal photogrammetry (Opens in a new window)") Schenk Toni; [Digital photogrammetry]( "Digital photogrammetry (Opens in a new window)") ### Teaching methods and learning activities Attendance in 2/3 of classes ### Type of evaluation Evaluation by final exam ### Assessment Components Exam: 100.00% **Total:**: 100.00 ### Occupation Components Frequency of classes: 100.00 hours **Total:**: 100.00 hours ### Get Frequency Since this is a UC mainly for the transmission of concepts, classes are given based on Power Point presentations and some deductions or calculations on the board. Practical exercises for processing images obtained by UAV with specific software will be launched, with a view to implementing the concepts learned. In the complementary classes of typology “Others”, questions will be clarified and support will be given to carrying out these exercises and analyzing the results. ### Final classification calculation formula 100% final exam More information at:
Airborne sensors and photogrammetry

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