Fundamentals of programming  

Objectives Provide knowledge about fundamental concepts related to programming activity, namely, algorithm, procedural abstraction and data abstraction, programming as construction of abstractions, programming paradigms. After attending the course, students should master the concepts presented and be able to develop programs in a high level programming language, Python. Program Computers, algorithms and programs. Programming languages. Syntax and semantics. Basic elements of programming. Elementary data types. Names and assignment. Communication with outside world. Programs, instructions and sequencing. Selection. Repetition. Functions. Procedural abstraction. Tuples and counted cycles. Strings. Lists. Recursive Functions. Higher order functions. Functional programming. Recursion and iteration. Files, Dictionaries. Data abstraction. Abstract data types. Object-oriented programming. Evaluation Methodology Continuous assessment in practical classes 2 Programming Projects 1 Exam The continuous evaluation component will have a weight >= 40% Cross-Competence Component Explain the soft skills to be developed according to the commission of transversal competences definitions, indicating what percentage of its evaluation components includes the transversal competences defined. Laboratorial Component na Programming and Computing Component In the course where this course is offered the Computing and Programming components according to MEPP 2122 are assured. More information at:
Fundamentals of programming

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