Electronics of embedded systems  

Prerequisites Basic Circuit Analysis and Electronic Devices and Circuits. Objectives Introduce the electronic systems utilized in embedded and communication systems. Program 1 - Embedded systems: structure and components. 2- Analog-to-digital and digitalto-to-analog conversion: Rounding and sampling. 3 - Filtering: Transfer function; Butterworth and Chebyshev approaches; RLC filters; Active filters of 1st and 2nd order. 4 - Signal generation - Linear oscillators and Barkhausen criterion; Wien Bridge Oscillator; LC oscillators; Crystal oscillators; Gain control and stabilization of sine oscillators; Astable multivibrators; The 555timer; VCO; PLL, Frequency Synthesizers. 5 - Communications system: blocks of the PCM system. 6 - Sensors and actuators: Characteristics (range, resolution; error; precision; linearity; sensitivity); Temperature, light, positioning, motion and sound sensors; Heat, light, force, positioning and movement, and sound actuators; Interface circuits for sensors and actuators. 7 - Embedded systems: use of microcontrollers for actuation. Evaluation Methodology 50% continuous evaluation / 50% non-continuous evaluation Laboratorial Component 6 Lab works More information at: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/cursos/lerc/disciplina-curricular/845953938490017
Electronics of embedded systems

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