Network architectures  

Objectives Understand the founding principles of computer networks. Provide an overview of the Internet as a network that integrates several heterogeneous technologies. Provide advanced equipment configuration and network troubleshooting skills. Program 1 - Integrated unicast forwarding: spanning tree (IEEE802.1D), RIP versus RIPng, OSPFv2 versus OSPFv3, IPv4 BGP versus IPv6 BGP. 2 - Network Virtualization: VLANs, MPLS routing and associated protocols (LDP). 3 - Multicast Routing: architecture of multicast communication systems, IGMP, dynamic management of multicast distribution trees, PIM protocol. 4 - Quality of service: degradation factors, performance metrics, scheduling and packet discarding algorithms, traffic descriptors, traffic regulation and policing algorithms, RSVP, IntServ and DiffServ architectures. 5 - Multimedia communications: types of multimedia information, voice and video encoding and compression, audio and video streaming: RTP, RTCP and RTSP protocols, and real-time interactive VoIP applications: SIP protocol. 6 - Mobile and Wireless Networks: Wireless, CDMA, 802.11, Personal Networks (Bluetooth and Zigbee), Cellular Networks, Mobility Management, Mobile IP. Evaluation Methodology 50% continuous evaluation / 50% non-continuous evaluation Cross-Competence Component Critical and Innovative Thinking - Laboratory assignments involve strategic thinking, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving strategies without explicit evaluation. Intrapersonal Competencies - Laboratory assignments involve productivity and time management, stress management, proactivity and initiative, intrinsic motivation and decision making without explicit evaluation. Interpersonal Skills - In the project evaluation, a part of the classification is assigned to the report form or to the ability of communicate (in the oral discussion). In the evaluation of the laboratory assignments, a part of the classification is assigned to the ability to work in a team. Laboratorial Component Laboratory and project work that are performed with real equipment (e.g. Cisco routers) and emulators (e.g. GNS3). Programming and Computing Component The laboratory assignments and the project involve configuration of network equipment. The evaluation weight of this component is 45%. More information at:
Network architectures

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