Propagation and antennas  

Prerequisites Electromagnetism and Optics; Calculus; Linear Algebra) Objectives Course goals: to assure the understanding of electromagnetic phenomena from the engineering perspective. To establish the way electromagnetic abstract models translate into the technology of transmission lines, wave-guides and antennas. To guarantee the perception of how telecommunication systems work, from the support media, compatibility and impedance adaptation points of view. Program Syllabus: 1. Revision of Electromagnetic fundamentals: Maxwell equations, wave equations, free space EM propagation, Snell laws. 2. Propagation characteristics of bifilar and coaxial lines, wave-guides and optical fibres. Laboratory measurements. 3. Impedance and adaptation within telecommunication systems’ elements. 4. Antennas’ basic concepts and measurements. Input impedance, directivity and gain, radiation field patterns, aperture, polarization. Dipoles, monopoles, loops and parabolas. Impedance and field measurements. Evaluation Methodology 50% continuous evaluation / 50% non-continuous evaluation Cross-Competence Component Presenting and discussing the projects. Discussing the results of the tests. Laboratorial Component There will exist four different sessions: 1) analyzing polarization conversion, using polarization plates; 2) stationary waves in transmission lines (microwaves); 3) radiation patterns of microwave antennas; 4) characterization of several passive devices for telecommunications. Programming and Computing Component All numerical simulations will de developed using MATLAB. Namely: 1) producing animated plots to illustrate field polarization; 2) Smith chart for transmission lines; 3) plotting dispersion diagrams for waveguides (LP modes in optical fibers); 4) numerical simulation of pulse propagation in optical fibers (using FFT); 5) plotting the radiation pattern of arrays. These skills will be assessed through five specific mini-projects. More information at:
Propagation and antennas

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