Final project  

Competences to be gained during study Basic competences Upon completion of the master course, successful students will be able to: CB6 - Display an implicit capacity for original thinking in the development or application of ideas, in a research context. CB7 - Apply the acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or relatively unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts. CB8 - Analyze and synthesize scientific information at an advanced level and tackle the complexity of formulating judgements based on incomplete or limited information, taking due consideration of the associated social and ethical responsibilities. CB9 - Communicate knowledge, theories and conclusions to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous manner. CB10 - Display a capacity for on-going self-directed and independent learning. General competences Students will also be able to: CG1 - Develop the ability to function as a team member. CG2 - Apply communication techniques for the search of scientific bibliography and the effective acquisition of information. CG3 - Identify new research problems or develop and solve existing ones, interpreting and evaluating critically the results obtained. CG4 - Develop the ability to write scientific and technical documents. CG5 - Develop the ability to communicate and make oral presentations in the field of the master’s degree. CG6 - Analyze critically the theoretical developments. CG7 - Acquire the skills and methodologies necessary to carry out research tasks in the areas of the master’s degree. Specific competences With regard to the specific applications of the curriculum, students will be able to: CE1 - Analyze and interpret a physical system according to the relevant energy scales. CE2 - Identify the relevant observable magnitudes in a given physical system. CE3 - Compare the predictions of theoretical models with experimental and observational data. CE4 - Uunderstand and use the current theories about the origin and evolution of the Universe and handle the observational data on which these theories are based. CE5 - Understand and apply the methodologies of the theories of General Gravitation and of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and its experimental foundations (specialty of Particle Physics and Gravitation). CE6 - Understand and apply the methodologies of both ground-based and space-based observational astronomy (speciality of Astrophysics and Space Sciences). CE7 - Display the capacity for innovation, development and application of new technologies. CE8 - Carry out experiments and calculations using specialized equipment. CE9 - Analyze critically the results of calculations, experiments and observations, identifying the associated errors.​ Learning objectives Referring to knowledge The MSc degree in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology provides students with advanced academic training in the fields of Astrophysics, Space Sciences, Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology. This training will allow you: Acquire the skills and abilities needed to form part of a research group or start working at a company dedicated to research in these areas. Undertake doctoral studies in the abovementioned fields. Acquire the skills and knowledge needed to make presentations and scientific work. Argue critically, issue judgements and present new ideas based on the analysis of information from these scientific areas. Students will have to choose between two specialties, Astrophysics and Space Sciences or Particle Physics and Gravitation. However, they will have the possibility to make a master’s degree of a more interdisciplinary nature choosing elective subjects from the other specialty, or even subjects related to other master’s degrees. The training offer includes not only theoretical but also practical aspects, in particular of instrumentation, observation and computation. Teaching blocks 1. Master’s thesis topics * Any subject which bears some relationship with the two specialities of the master: Astrophysics and Space Sciences. Particle Physics and Gravitation. Teaching methods and general organization Develop a research project, write a report (thesis) on it and defend it orally in front of a panel of experts. Official assessment of learning outcomes There are two evaluation calls per academic year, one between the end of January and the beginning of February, corresponding to the 1st semester, and one between the end of June and the beginning of July, corresponding to the 2nd semester. Each student will have two opportunities to pass the assessment. Students who waive the winter call are entitled to defend their master’s thesis during the spring call, while those waiving the spring call can defend their master’s thesis in September. The master’s degree is completed after writing a report and carrying out a 20-minute public presentation in front of an evaluation committee. Each thesis is evaluated by both the Tutor, who rates the research capacity of the student, and an evaluation committee, consisting of a President and a Secretary, responsible for appraising the written and oral work. The evaluation of the oral dissertation is based upon: a) The clarity of the public exposition of the work; b) the ability to answer questions by the committee; and c) the scientific quality of the written version of the work. The oral presentation may be given in English, Catalan or Spanish. The use of English will have a positive impact on the evaluation. Examination-based assessment Same as in the official assessment. More information at:
Final project

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