Engineering design of space missions and spacecraft components  

Aims: Upon completion of this course, the student is able to: understand and explain the orbital mechanics and dynamics of space missions in general and for specific applications; understand and explain what the main environmental constraints are on the functioning of technology in space; understand and explain how launchers and space systems (plattforms and payload) are designed to meet the specific conditions of the space environment; understand and explain how interdisciplinary crosstalk between science, technology development, and societal aspects is essential for the scientific exploitation and exploration of space. Module 2.5 ects. Orbital Mechanics and Mission Design (2.5 ECTs) Introduction Overview and classification of space missions Orbital mechanics fundamental laws in kinematics and dynamics (Keplerian orbits, types of orbits,orbital parameters) maneuvers (acceleration and deceleration for in in-plane maneuvers, maneuvers for plane change the central body classification of orbits for space missions Spacecraft systems attitude and orbital control system power generation and management thermal control spacecraft structure telemetry communications Launch vehicles and launch trajectories launch site launch trajectory launch vehicle integration with spacecraft Mission design specification of mission objectives examples of space missions Module Spacecraft Design and Instrumentation (2.5 ECTs) General outline Spacecraft definition and characteristics Space environment and constraints Mechanical and thermal engineering Assembly, Integration, Testing and Verification Observation and science mission payloads Detailed contents Space messengers (gravity, magnetic field, photons, particles, dust, samples, gravitational waves) Why space activities and orbit selection. Space segments On ground environment Launch environment Space environment and impacts on the design of spacecraft and instrumentation - Radiative environment, thermal cycling - Vacuum, outgassing - Microgravity - Contamination - Residual atmosphere in Low Earth Orbit, atomic oxygen and drag - Radiations - Meteorites and orbital debris - Electrical environment (solar wind, magnetosphere, radiation belts, plasma environment) - Energetic particles, electrons, protons and ions - Electrical charge of the spacecraft Effects on the optical, mechanical and thermal design, ageing of components. Mechanical and dynamical design of instruments Thermal design of instruments Thermal control Material properties and material selection criteria Communication with and inside the spacecraft On-board software Data reduction and compression Redundancy concepts Different steps in the design of space instruments Contamination and cleanliness, on the ground and in space Electromagnetic compatibility Assembly, Integration, Tests, Verification Ground Support Equipment Model philosophy Mission Planning Qualification of instruments Calibration of instruments European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) standards Measurement strategies: remote sensing vs in situ; active vs passive Detectors: principles, noise properties and constraints on observing modes More information at:
Engineering design of space missions and spacecraft components

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