Space organisations  

Aims Upon completion of this course, the student is able to: understand the structure of space organisations in the context of international law and the rationale behind and evolution of space law; formulate a critical approach to modern issues in space law; assess the relative roles of the various stakeholders in the international space sector. Content - The legal structure of space organisations (ESA and international space law, national space organisations) - Space organisations in a global context (Space law in the UN: UN COPUOS: history, institutional aspects, current activities; Regulators: ICAO, ITU & WIPO; space situation awareness and space traffic management) - ESA and the EU on space policy, including industrial policy and procurement; Multiple fora and the Rule of Law in outer space: the PPWT and ICoC projects - Private initiatives in space (EUTELSAT, INTELSAT & INMARSAT: privatisation of international space organisations; space tourism) More information at:
Space organisations

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