Environmental policy and management  

Prohibited Combinations You may not take this module if you have previously passed: Environmental Policy and Management (ENVU5A5) Module Description Tackling the global environmental challenges of the twenty-first century is no easy task, but environmental policies and management approaches are a central part of the solution. Robust policies are essential to prevent, minimise, or mitigate harmful human impacts on our natural environment at local, national and global scales. Everyone has a role to play, from citizens to global leaders but understanding the roles and power relations of different stakeholders, and the processes and the dynamics of the policy-making arena is important if these policies are to be successful. You’ll explore: the processes and limitations involved in the formation and implementation of public policies on environmental issues; key concepts of environmental politics; the role of government and other interest groups in the policy-making process. Drawing on case studies, you’ll consider the effectiveness of various forms of policy instruments and their limitations. You’ll develop a strong understanding of the ways in which governments have attempted to address environmental issues such as climate change, waste and water pollution. The UN has defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which set out the world’s roadmap to ending poverty, reducing inequality and protecting the planet by 2030. In this module you will learn about why we need to protect our planet through environmental policies and careful management, and explore case studies that are relevant to delivering SDGs 10: Reduced Inequalities, 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, 13: Climate Action, 14: Life Below Water, 15: Life on Land. Location/Method of Study Stirling/On Campus, UK Module Objectives Intended learning outcomes:By the end of this course, students should be able to:Demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts that underpin environmental policy.Evaluate the role of science in environmental policy making.Describe and undertake a critical assessment the processes of environmental policy formulation.Assess whether current management practices address the requirements of environmental policy.Undertake a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental policy using case studies in the UK and internationally. Additional Costs There are no additional costs associated with this Module. Core Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the module, you should be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts that underpin environmental policy; evaluate the role of science in environmental policy making; describe and undertake a critical assessment the processes of environmental policy formulation; assess whether current management practices address the requirements of environmental policy; undertake a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental policy using case studies in the UK and internationally. Introductory Reading and Preparatory Work There is no single core text for this course; students are expected to read widely from the reading lists. These are available via Canvas. Key texts are in the library short loan collection with additional copies and further reading available in the main library collections. Journal articles are available in the library as reference only or electronically via journal title from the Electronic Journals list or by searching the Journals catalogue. Delivery Directed Study 28 hours A discussion or classroom session focussing on particular topics or projects, may be virtual but are available at a specific time or live Directed Study 4 hours A session involving the development and practical application of a particular skill or technique Directed Study 28 hours Preparation for scheduled sessions, follow up work, wider reading and practice, completion of assessment tasks, revision, accessing webinars and other materials available on demand Directed Study 10 hours Assessment activity that takes place within a scheduled session, usually conducted under some form of examination or test conditions Total Study Time 200 hours Attendance Requirements Please refer to the BES Module Statement Assessment % of final grade Learning Outcomes Essay 35 2,3,4,5 Policy Brief 15 1,4,5 Essay Plan 0 1,2,3,4,5 Exam (Canvas - off campus) 50 1,2,3,4,5 Coursework: 50% Examination: 50% More information at: https://portal.stir.ac.uk/calendar/calendar.jsp?modCode=ENVU5EP&_gl=1*npm0ed*_ga*MTY1OTcwNzEyMS4xNjkyMDM2NjY3*_ga_ENJQ0W7S1M*MTY5MjAzNjY2Ny4xLjEuMTY5MjAzODE1Mi4wLjAuMA..
Environmental policy and management

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