Space-based positioning and deformation monitoring techniques  

Ways in which Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), GNSS augmentations, and integrated mapping and positioning platforms contribute to multidisciplinary fields. Space-based deformation monitoring techniques using GNSS and SAR. Application of GNSS, and alternative methodologies to position, navigate, map and analyze physical or man-made features and processes. Upon completion of this course, it is expected that the learner will be able to: (1) assess and apply available GNSS positioning methodologies and the underlying mathematical models, (2) determine errors and biases that affect positioning and navigation performance, (3) discriminate between different GNSS augmentations, (4) categorise and assess SAR techniques for deformation monitoring, (5) select the appropriate techniques and methods for applications, such as Geodynamics, Structural Engineering, Meteorology, Hydrography, Transportation.
Space-based positioning and deformation monitoring techniques

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