Remote sensing II  

Pre-processing steps: geometric, radiometric corrections. Atmospheric Correction theory-algorithms -Computational Image Interpretation. Image Histogram. Contrast enhancement and stretching, linear histogram stretching, histogram equalisation, histogram saturation. Display alternatives, colour processing. Filters, edge enhancement, high pass filtering, smoothing, low pass filtering, gradient, Laplacian. Spatial registration, geometric manipulation, co-ordinate transformation, interpolation. Feature extraction: spectral rationing, principal component analysis, vegetation indices. Mathematical concepts for image classification, discriminant functions, Bayes theory, Density slicing. Supervised training and classification: parallelepiped, table look-up, decision tree, minimum distance, maximum likelihood. Unsupervised training and clustering, Algorithms: K-means, ISODATA. Post-classification processing. Classification accuracy. Data merging, Geographic information systems. Change detection. Applications. Introduction to computer vision. -The students will have the opportunity to apply most of the pre-processing and post-processing techniques to the following satellite imagery of Cyprus: Quickbird, Ikonos, Landsat TM & ETM+, and SPOT etc. Spectroradiometric Measurements.
Remote sensing II

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