MEng in Aerospace Engineering  

Engineering is where creative thinkers become world changers. An aerospace engineering degree will challenge you to ask questions, take risks and explore new perspectives. You'll turn ideas into reality as you apply the principles of science and technology to the research, design, manufacture and certification of current and future aerospace vehicles. If you're fascinated by the history, technology and progress of aircraft and spacecraft, we'll take your passion and transform it into career-shaping skill and experience.
Our MEng Aerospace Engineering degree will equip you with industry knowledge and an in-depth understanding of the aerospace design and build process. Study materials and manufacturing, stress and dynamics, energy and thermodynamics to gain a solid grounding in aerospace engineering principles. Graduate ready to take up your place within the exciting, fast-paced aerospace industry. You'll develop core skills that you'll take with you through your career, such as innovation, teamwork and creativity. By the end of the course, you'll be prepared for employment in leading aerospace companies such as Airbus UK, BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, Leonardo, MBDA, Boeing and GE Systems. There's an increasing demand for qualified aerospace engineers in the industry, so you'll have strong employability prospects. Past graduates have gone into careers in the design and manufacture of civil and military aircraft, helicopters and jet engines. In your second year, you'll have the chance to specialise through the Systems, Design and Manufacturing pathways, allowing you to follow your career aspirations. Throughout your course, you'll benefit from a range of professional opportunities. Get an inside track on the industry through regular factory tours and professional briefings from leading aerospace organisations and work on placements to build up valuable experience and professional skills.
MEng in Aerospace Engineering

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