Master of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation  

In this two-year, English-taught Master’s, you will learn to address the growing range of global challenges - from climate change to resources depletion and pandemic diseases - that our society and vulnerable populations across the world are facing by using geo-information systems. You will acquire the theoretical knowledge, technical skills, and big data analytics competences to find the data you need, analyse the problem at hand, visualise the data, and design an innovative and sustainable solution. With your expertise, you will contribute to improvements in the domains of food and water security, natural resources management, geo-health, climate change adaptation, urban development and smart cities, disaster risk reduction, and responsible land administration.Identify and explain principles, concepts, methods and techniques relevant for geoinformation processing and earth observation. 2. Analyse problems and cases from a (geo-)spatial perspective. 3. Use and design models to simulate (or: study) processes in the system earth with a spatial component. 4. Apply principles, concepts, methods and techniques in the context of system earth, the user and an application domain to solve scientific and practical problems. 5. Independently design and carry out research in the domain according to scientific quality standards. Scientific 6. Analyse issues in an academic manner and formulate judgments based on this. 7. Analyse scientific and practical domain problems in a systematic manner and develop scientifically valid solutions for these problems in a societal context. 8. Communicate both orally and in writing on findings of research work to specialists and non-specialists. 9. Explore the temporal and social context of geo-information science and technology and be able to integrate these insights into scientific work. Internationalization 10. Explain and contrast cultural and contextual differences that influence the collection, classification and visualization of spatial information. 11. Operate professionally and ethically in a multi-cultural environment. General 12. Critically reflect on own and other's work. 13. Study in a manner that is largely self-directed and autonomous.
Experts in geo-information systems who can acquire, analyse, and visualise geo-information to develop innovative solutions are in high demand both in the private and pubic sectors. You can work as a policy advisor, geo-information consultant, GIS analyst, geospatial data scientist, environmental management consultant, remote sensing specialist, data engineer, and more. You can also opt for a career in academia and do a PhD at any university worldwide. Or you can start your own company!
Master of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).