Feedback systems and automatic control  

Your learning on this unit An overview of content This unit is split into two main sections. The overall theme of the first section is feedback, and in this section the students will learn how to recognise and analyse negative-feedback loops and understand their importance in engineering systems. In the second part, the students will learn how to extend these ideas to design automatic controllers for relevant engineering systems. How will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit Students will be able to analyse and design automatic feedback control systems for aerospace applications, which forms an essential skillset for aerospace engineers. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: discuss linear systems theory and apply it to relevant engineering systems; discuss the purpose and properties of key negative-feedback systems, including the PID controller; analyse the stability and robustness properties of negative-feedback systems; design controllers for single-input/single-output systems; design controllers and observers for multi-input/multi-output systems.
Feedback systems and automatic control

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