Star formation and structure  

Competences to be gained during study — Capacity to write scientific and technical documents. — Capacity to communicate, give presentations and write scientific articles on fields related to the topics covered in the master’s degree. — Capacity to test predictions from theoretical models with experimental and observational data. — Capacity to critically analyze the results of calculations, experiments or observations, and to calculate possible errors. --Capacity to elaborate scientific proposals concerning to a topic of the course program. -Capacity to analyze observational data from radiointerferometers using CASA tool. Learning objectives Referring to knowledge — Learn basic concepts on the physics of the interstellar medium, with a focus on processes relating to star formation in our galaxy and the pre-main-sequence star evolution of objects in different mass ranges (low, intermediate and high). — Deepen knowledge of the application of basic physics to gravity, hydrostatic equilibrium, heat transport and nuclear reactions to understand the structure and evolution of stars and gain a vision of current problems of interest in star formation and young stellar object evolution. Teaching blocks 1. Introduction 1.1. The Milky Way galaxy 1.2. The interstellar medium 2. The tools: radio interferometry. Optical and near-infrared astronomy 3. Interstellar medium and star-forming regions 3.1. Interstellar dust; Composition and physical properties; Extinction, reddening and polarisation; Thermal emission 3.2. Atomic, ionised and molecular gas; Spectral line emission; Free-free emission, recombination lines of HII and physical parameters from HII; Chemistry of the molecular gas and formation of molecules; Molecular lines and physical parameters of molecular-line observations 3.3. Astrochemistry 3.4. Energy balance in molecular clouds; Virial theorem; Turbulence and magnetic field; Magnetically supported cores 3.5. Molecular clouds; Morphology, filaments and dense cores; Sites of star formation, examples of TMC, Orion 4. Young stellar objects 4.1. Spectral energy distribution; Classification and observational properties of YSO 4.2. PMS evolution; Hayashi and Henyey tracks; ZAMS 4.3. T Tauri stars and Ae/Be stars; Models and observations 4.4. Interaction of YSO with their environment; Jets, Herbig-Haro objects and bipolar molecular outflows 4.5. Accretion and supersonic ejection processes in YSO; Accretion disks; Observation and models 5. Practical cases 5.1. Basic concepts on calibration and imaging with CASA 5.2. Proposal writing Teaching methods and general organization — Lectures. — Seminars led by guest experts. — Discussion of recently published articles. — Discussion of projects presented by the students. —Discussion of a practical case elaborated from file data, applying observational techniques studied in the course. --Elaboration of observational proposals Official assessment of learning outcomes Continuous assessment consists of: — Submission of short written exercises or problems on the course content to be solved at home. — An assignment on a topic related to the course contents. This includes a written report (limited length) and an oral presentation (15 minutes). —A practical case elaborated from file data, applying observational techniques studied in the course This part is worth 40% of the final grade. — Final written examination, consisting of short-answer questions on physical concepts explained throughout the course. The final exam is worth 60% of the final grade. Repeat assessment consists of a written examination, similar to that in continuous assessment, worth 100% of the final grade. Examination-based assessment Single assessment consists of the oral presentation of an assignment, similar to that in the continuous assessment, and a written examination with questions on the course content and problem-solving exercises. Reading and study resources Check availability in Cercabib Book Prialnik, Dina. An Introduction to the theory of stellar structure and evolution. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010 Enllaç,contains,b1494539* Enllaç Estalella, Robert ; Anglada Pons, Guillem. Introducción a la física del medio interestelar. Barcelona : Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2008 (Textos docents ; 50) Enllaç This book covers most of the contents of the course. 2a ed. Enllaç,contains,b1312542* Enllaç,contains,b1278664* Enllaç Hartmann, Lee. Accretion processes in star formation. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009 Enllaç Smith, Michael D. The origin of stars. London : Imperial College Press, cop. 2004 Enllaç Stahler, Steven William ; Palla, F. The formation of stars. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2004 Enllaç Ward-Thompson, Derek ; Withworth, Antony P. An introduction to star formation. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011 Enllaç "Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium Barbara Ryden & Richard W. Pogge Cambridge University Press, 2021 More information at:
Star formation and structure

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