Deep learning  

The course aims at teaching the required skills to use deep learning methods on applied problems. It will show how to design and train a deep neural network for a given task, and the sufficient theoretical basis to go beyond the topics directly seen in the course. The planned content of the course: • What is deep learning, introduction to tensors. • Basic machine-learning, empirical risk minimization, simple embeddings. • Linear separability, multi-layer perceptrons, back-prop. • Generalized networks, autograd, batch processing, convolutional networks. • Initialization, optimization, and regularization. Drop-out, activation normalization, skip connections. • Deep models for Computer Vision. • Analysis of deep models. • Auto-encoders, embeddings, and generative models. • Deep learning for sequences - Recurrent neural networks (RNNs); vanishing and exploding gradients; Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM); deep RNNs; bidirectional RNNs; combination of CNNs with RNNs - pytorch tensors, deep learning modules, and internals. Outcome: Not Provided
Deep learning

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